Friday, August 15, 2014

Nutrition Month Celebration 2014

"Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom Malnutrisyon Agapan"

          Unity. This is what we all need. To surpass all the circumstances in life, we must have unity to fight harder, braver and stronger.

          The theme explains that we must be ready for the calamities that might come and we should erase hunger and malnutrition. All we need to do in order to pass these challenges is a great unity between people. We must be the one leading them to a great future. We should inspire people, let everybody know that this happening has grown bigger and bigger all over the world. So that we have many companion to make the world a better place.

         These miseries are all just big challenges in our lives. We should help each other, care for each other and love each other to consider this world a better place.

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