Saturday, February 14, 2015

CHANGE...It Starts With Me

Start with ME

     We all talk about how change is needed, how we all must embrace change and we philosophize how change is so good for us all!

     “If everyone only cleaned their own doorstep, the whole world would be clean.”
     What does this say to you? To me, it says that we can only change ourselves, and our first priority should be changing our ways and beliefs, cleaning our own doorsteps.How can I lead others if I can’t lead myself? How can others trust me, or I trust others, if I first can’t trust myself? How can I love others if I can’t love myself? All these require change within to achieve.

     If you change the people within the world, the world then changes as a result – it’s not the other way round. I admire the great charities of this world for doing what they do, and for what they've accomplished, but ultimately it’s pointless UNLESS those involved change themselves first.

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