Saturday, January 24, 2015


Equal Rights. Equal Opportunities

     God created man equally. He created a world with true quality.

     Times today have it's true problems. Discrimination, the process in which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently. The practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people. This is not new to our society. In fact, the government doesn't give any comment on this. It's just like thy are agreeing to this kind of process. Why? I mean, do they even know the feeling? I bet not. It's so unfair. They are seeing people lower than their position very low. Doesn't mean thy're high or more powerful, it doesn't mean that they can treat people that way. We were all born naked. We all cry. We can feel pain. We are all human. We are all equal.

     Living in this world, we can see the differences. Differences that shouldn't been changed. Nevertheless, there is nothing we can do really. We just have to accept and live.

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