Monday, January 26, 2015

New Year, New Me



     We celebrate New Year on the 31st of December. I said goodbye to 2014 since the midnight, new years eve, to welcome another year. I never doubted things with my life in 2014. There are just things that I didn't work up with.

     New Year's Eve started off to a good start. I now know what I would have to do to myself. I was ready to face the new year.

     I might change some of my attitudes, the way I think and my life. I thought that 2014 would be my year, but it wasn't. Maybe this year, I will do better.

     There are a lot of things I want to start this year. And that is to begin what I had unfinished last year and make some differences in my life.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The True Essence of Christmas

Merry Christmas!

     Christmas is a time to renew bonds of love. It's a wonderful time when loved ones can show appreciation for each other. It's also a great time to use that love to build bridges of understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness. - Shelley Landon
     Christmas is enjoyed when there are decorations, gifts, and of course, the foods. But you can really feel Christmas when there is love at the center. love is the essence of Christmas. Christmas is not all about the jolly making. We must also spare time to reflect on the essence of the period which is the love from God for humanity. Amidst the delicious meals, sweet drinks, lovely songs and dances, beautiful friends and family members, we would come across this season, let's try not to forget about out lord Jesus Christ, who taught us all what real, genuine and unconditional love is.
     It is true that the essence of Christmas is love. But the spirit behind Christmas is that of giving and sharing.

Climate Change

Life Mishap

     Climate change tends to be reported as abstract explanations about general tendencies and possible outcomes.
     Even though climate change is partially caused by the natural cycles of the Earth, humans are still a major part of it. Climate change is already happening and represents as one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats facing the planet.
     The temperature of the climate system is somewhat broad. the climate can affect every person and our health directly through increases in temperature. Such increases may lead to more extreme heat waves during the summer while producing less extreme cold spells during the winter. The world's climate is changing, and the changes will have an enormous impact on our planet's people, ecosystems, cities, and energy use. Let's do some actions people!
     Climate change is everything, a calamity bigger than any other. It's the whole planet for the whole foreseeable future, the entire atmosphere, all the oceans, the poles.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


"Outpouring Hearts and Minds through English Literacy and English Proficiency"

     English language is widely spoken across the countries. So, as what they said that English language is the global language.

     Being able to know enough information about the English language, it is important to encourage and share the knowledge to everyone. Because as of what we all know, English is used in our everyday lives. I, personally, as one of the people who is proficient in English, or not, recommend that we should spread the knowledge around like confetti. The reason for this is that the world is so advanced. We don't want the world to stop just because we can't catch up. One more thing, the purpose for all of this is to maintain and to broaden our usage to it.

     Our hearts and minds are the ones wo are in charge. Therefore we must follow them and trust them. And just go with the floe of life.


Equal Rights. Equal Opportunities

     God created man equally. He created a world with true quality.

     Times today have it's true problems. Discrimination, the process in which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently. The practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people. This is not new to our society. In fact, the government doesn't give any comment on this. It's just like thy are agreeing to this kind of process. Why? I mean, do they even know the feeling? I bet not. It's so unfair. They are seeing people lower than their position very low. Doesn't mean thy're high or more powerful, it doesn't mean that they can treat people that way. We were all born naked. We all cry. We can feel pain. We are all human. We are all equal.

     Living in this world, we can see the differences. Differences that shouldn't been changed. Nevertheless, there is nothing we can do really. We just have to accept and live.


Intramural Sports

     Intramurals are an organization of sports teams created for students who seek the opportunity to play sports. Those who participate in intramurals range in age, ability, and gender. These sports teams allow students to play a sport they enjoy without committing to a varsity team. Intramurals are designed for everyone to have fun but still have a competitive edge.

     September 18, 2014, Ilocos Sur National High School's INTRAMURALS started, with the theme, "Sustaining Excellence and Teamwork through Sports and Dancing." There were many students joined the said celebration. Students wearing green as freshmen, yellow as sophomores, blue as juniors and red as seniors.

     There are many possible ways a student can get involved in intramurals. Involvement in intramurals gives the chance to not only play sports that are enjoyable, but also the opportunity to meet new people and develop a relationship with them. One way that many people get involved is through people they have met or already know.