Wednesday, October 8, 2014

My Teacher, My Hero

You're My Hero

          If you can read this, thank a teacher.

          A teacher is said to be a person who helps you solve problems you'd never have without them. They work hard all day, stays up late at night just to make sure that we can learn something each day. They help shaping the future generation to become good people. They help us grow and develop our skills. They teach us life lessons that we all need, and they are patient with us while we learn. They are so Terrific, Energetic, Able, Cheerful, Hardworking, Enthusiastic and Remarkable. The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. To the world you may be just a teacher, but to us students, you are an almighty SUPERHERO. (:

          A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart. We may forget what you said, but we will never forget how you made us feel. They say that "Experience is the best teacher", but for us students, having you as our teacher is the BEST EXPERIENCE. Thank you so much.