Thursday, September 11, 2014

Science Club Month

IMMUNATION: Arming Science Clubbers with Healthful Defenses Towards National Wellness

          Nowadays, the globe is facing many challenges. For the past few years, many lives were taken away because of various diseases. Recently, they discovered a new virus originated in Africa. It is called the Ebola virus that cause an often fatal hemorrhagic fever and as for today, they did not discovered yet a cure for this which results for many people to die.

          Somehow, why don't we make a move to lessen the people dying from different diseases. In our own little way, we can contribute something to make our world a better place to live in. By the leadership of the science clubbers, we can make the diseases to not continue to spread. And through this, we can achieve world peace that we've been searching for.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Insight About Modern Day Hero


          You call my grandmother an ordinary person, well I call my grandmother a hero. And I'm proud of it!

          Some grandparents stay at home, resting all day but my grandmother is different, instead she goes to the market at 3 o'clock in the morning to sell meat straight until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. This is everyday and she said that she wants what she is doing and she is happy for it. The money that my grandmother earns from her work is given to us, her children and grandchildren.When she gives, she gives them to us with a smile on her face. And for that, I am so grateful.Since I first opened my eyes up until now, there is a grandmother right beside me who support, care and love me. I cherish all the moment I have with my grandmother. I will always thank God because she gave me a very loving grandmother.

          Everyone has their own hero. Everyone too can be a hero if we can maintain the goodness inside us. We can all be a hero if we want to be.